November 5, 2018

Six Kinds of Foods that Suitable for Winter(I)

Winter is coming, our body often occurring some problems since cold, so what kinds of food we should eat in winter? Today we will talk about these seven foods.

  1. Lotus root

Lotus root contains mucus protein and dietary fiber, which can increase appetite and promote digestion. The nutritional value of alfalfa is very high, rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium. The content of plant protein, vitamins and starch is also very high. Particularly suitable for patients with high fever, vomiting, hypertension, liver disease, loss of appetite and iron deficiency anemia. It has obvious replenishing blood and enhances the body’s immunity. In the cold winter season, during this period, fresh lotus root are on the market. The weather in winter is dry, so eating some lotus root can play the role of clearing away heat and toxic materials, moistening and quenching thirst, and clearing the heart and calming the nerves.


  1. Pear

It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Like apples, it also contains oxidants that keep human cells and tissues healthy. Middle-aged and older friends should eat more pears in summer. It can help the body cleanse organs, store calcium, and at the same time soften blood vessels, which can cause blood to send more calcium to the bones. It contains 80% of water. Because of the dry air in winter, the water is less. If you can eat one or two pears per day in the fall, it will not only have unique effects on autumn dryness, but also heat and soothe the nerves. Insomnia and dreams have a certain auxiliary treatment effect.

  1. Peanut

Peanut fruit contains protein, fat, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin K, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, including 8 kinds of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, crude fiber, etc. The fat content is 44%-45%, the protein content is 24-36%, and the sugar content is about 20%. Rich in vitamins B2, PP, A, D, E, calcium and iron. It also contains a variety of vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. It promotes the development of human brain cells and enhances memory. The zinc content in peanut fruit is generally higher than other oil crops. Zinc can promote the development of children’s brain, enhance the memory function of the brain, activate the brain cells of the middle and old people, delay the premature aging of the human body, and resist aging.
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